Body Language and Rapport

How does body language and Rapport impact your sales encounter?

Body language is essential, it gives your book the cover so people can judge you! Yes no matter what! We all judge books by their covers, and your cover in this world is body language. It's the dynamic language which we've been using even before the verbal languages were used. It's the fundamental language used to express subconscious communication with other human beings. 

Now with Rapport I do have a whole in depth post about how it works and how to apply it consciously in daily life. I will be focused more on Body language today. 

Let's start with some of the great examples of great people. What makes great people great? Their body language, and their rapport and at some point their work. But I am not here to explain how to work hard and be a great leader. I am here to guide you to invoke your abilities and unlock the alpha in your mind to help you take control of your sales encounter. 


Maintaining good posture is important when you are meeting in person. Now what does maintaining the good posture mean? It means that you have to maintain that positive attitude and that bottled enthusiasm I have written about in my previous post.  

What does good posture have to do with sales?

It has everything to do with your sales encounter, it can make or break the entire sales encounter, it is as I've written above we all judge the book by its cover no matter what. 

How to know whether you are current posture is good or not?

It's simple, have a good look at yourself, are you sitting in the chair leaning backwards as you read this post about body language and rapport? Or are you reading this somewhere else like at the office, or at a cafe where you are sitting with your back straight, chest high and waiting for your coffee? However your posture is, you'll feel according to it, if you are sitting leaning back in the chair with dizzy eyes, you are probably feeling low or feeling cosy and comfortable with your environment. If you are sitting straight upright there is something exciting about the place or environment. 

How do you need your posture in a sales encounter?

Do you remember how you felt when you were about to go on stage to talk or perform something? How it felt, a mixture of nervousness and excitement that swirled in the middle of your stomach? See and how was your posture? Chest held high up, neck straight, face and chin up, and the way you walked while carrying all of those, balancing while walking and maintaining the posture. 

Now feel the same exact thing before the sales encounter, and do the exact things mentioned above, and trust me it'll make you look powerful. Do not believe me? Then try it yourself, just go to your mirror or your friend to take a couple of pictures of you, now I want you to take the picture without any traits applied to you, just stand naturally as you do, always a bit slopped forwards and back bent a bit. And take a good look at how you usually stand, and then take another one with all the changes written above, and see the difference yourself. In the second picture you'll look more powerful than the first one, right? Now you'll ask why?

Because we've seen people who are powerful and have everything they want walk and talk like these. If you start doing these exercises from now on, within 3-4 weeks you'll start performing it unconsciously and it'll become part of your life.  Now let me give you the brief exercise to improve your posture and body language.

  • Firstly you'll have to bathe daily.
    Now you'll ask me why is it necessary to bathe daily? The reason is it makes you feel fresh and your skin looks great. Bathing daily will help you set up the good mood and you can even plan a few things you need to do while bathing and cleaning your precious body.

  •  Chest out, head high.
    As written above, whenever you walk, you sit, you talk, your head should be held high but obviously you should not be looking up at sky, your head should be held above the average level you normally keep with. Next, we are humans, we like to flex our features, may it be the men or women or anyone, if you walk with your chest out you'll see that you look more confident and have that alpha feeling within you.

  • Don't talk shit!
    No matter how you flex your body or how great your posture and your body language is, once you open your mouth and start talking shit then your whole image is tarnished, so don't open your mouth to talk shit, see experts / alphas talk good, talk bad,but they never talk shit. 

  • Lastly, be an active listener.
    Being in control doesn't mean you have to talk more than your prospect, you need to hear out what your prospect needs and then talk and fill in the gaps. Most people think that to be in control of conversation you need to talk, experts do the exact opposite , they gather intelligence and then talk when there is a need. 

Now those who still have not read the post about Rapport then I'd definitely suggest you to do that. As the knowledge will remain incomplete if you just try the things written in this post, I highly recommend you to check out the Rapport.

Also Check out my post on: BOTTLED ENTHUSIASM

The most powerful system of sales is being taught here, don't use it to sell garbage or you'll suffer 10 miserable years. I am not held responsible for misusing the system as I am teaching it for educational purposes.