Straight line persuasion System:


Straight Line Persuasion System or Sales System as it's referred to is the system that has the potential to change the life, and it has changed many lives so far, this system was created by Jordan Belfort AKA, Wolf of Wall Street.

It's the best technique for sales, and it has the diversity in selling almost anything. According to Mr. Belfort every sale is the same and I personally do agree with him.If you know your product and have the knowledge of Straight Line you can sell almost anything from Plane to Bitcoins. Now in my last two posts I've given you the basic outline of how the Straight Line is designed and how it works. Today I am going to break it down in parts to you.

Now in the last post I've written about Rapport and Tonality, and Body Language, I am going in depth about Rapport today. So without wasting your time let's dive in on how to build Rapport and the pace and lead techniques.


Let me warn you, Whatever you are going to read in the chapter is really powerful and you should strictly not use it for anything illegal. The reason it is powerful is because it lets you speak to your subject's subconscious mind. This is counted as non verbal communication. And it is extremely powerful and dangerous if not used correctly.

Now everything I have written here is for educational purposes, and I don't want to take credit for the methods I am writing, All credit goes to Mr. Jordan Belfort as he is the creator of the straight line system.

Rapport is really an important factor when it comes to sales and persuasion, because you need your ideas to be "in sync" with the other person / subject. Now the main question is how to tell if you've built the Rapport with your prospect/subject or not?

It's easy, first you pace and then you lead, I am assuming that you are in person with your subject and you want to build rapport with your subject.

I know that it seems like magic at first, but it can be used for many things, not only sales but also for persuasion. So without wasting much time, below is the technique which I want you to give knowledge about. It's called Pace & Lead.


Pace and lead is a very powerful technique used by many professional psychologists and salesmen around the world, what it does is that it basically gives your subject the message that you are like them and you have this alpha personality and you are worth listening to.

I would like to warn you here, if you overdo this then you'll look like a freak, and it'll be a disaster. Overdoing this will tarnish your image in your prospect's mind. So below are the steps to build the rapport with any stranger.

  1. You'll have to pace with them.

It's easy to achieve this one, you just have to observe the actions of your subjects, like sipping the water from glass, leaning over with interest with your talk, etc, you'll have to lag for 10-15 seconds and copy the action but in more subtle and natural way, in the way you'd do it.

Now you have to do it for a while, let's say for approx 5-8 minutes in the beginning of the conversation. Then you'll have to do the next step.

  1. Lead them with your actions.
    Now once you've followed their actions now it's time to lead them with your actions and check for the signs if they follow you. And if the answer to the question is yes then congratulations you have been successful in leading your subject, and yes you've built the initial rapport which is needed for the first few minutes, then all you have to do is maintain the body language and your language pattern to deepen the rapport and as a result you'll be able to get more closer to closing your sale.  

That's it for the rapport today, I don't want to put all of the rapport techniques in one post. Have fun with it and make new friends, have a good day and remember that don't overdo the pace and Lead or you'll  come off as a freak to everyone.

Now check my post on NFT : I am now Creating NFTs!

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