Closers Training Program

Hey there! Welcome back to the Closers Training Program.

I've decided to change the name of my sales training program from sales school as it gives the essence of plagiarism, and I don't want people to think that I am copying someone. But I have to give credits to the man who developed all the methods I've wrote about in my last post about sales, Mr. Jordan Belfort AKA Wolf of the Wall Street.


Because, he wasn't in for bulls and bears, he really is a wolf, I do love the way he speaks and closes every sales encounter. And he is really a great closer, he has this ability naturally. I am not going to write a biography of Mr. Belfort. You can visit his website : JORDAN BELFORT ONLINE

How should your prospect perceive you?

  1. Sharp as a tack
  2. Expert in your field
  3. Reasonable Man ( there's a tonality in the same name, more about it later.)
  4. Enthusiastic as hell!


Now what I mean by sharp as a tack? Have you ever received a sales call, where a sleazy salesman tries to sell you some nonsense product? Remember how you judged this as*hole within the first 4 seconds of the call? That's what generally happens when someone unprofessional calls you or meets you in person, your brain processes the judgement within just 4 seconds of time. And that first 4 seconds are important for all of us to make our first impressions last longer.  Now you need to be sharp not a desperate fool, So let's say for example that you work in sales for an ISP (internet service provider) and a customer mailed your company for details of connection and it got landed to you, and it's your job to get the sales closed, and you have to call the customer or we can say Cold Called this one. Now you have just 4 seconds to make or break the deal. How would you go?

" Hey this is so and so from so and so ISP, I got your mail for the connection details…" and on and on you go, but does that seem right? Imagine someone calling you and doing the same as wrote above, " what the fu#k? Who are you and who gave you my number?" That'd be your reaction!  

So to look sharp you don't need to go yelling your sales script at customers, you should be firm, when you call your customer you need to use the tonalities I have a whole chapter saved for later.  

Let's get back to the example, you called the customer and for instance his name is Joe, " Hi Joe, I am JJ? Calling from so and so company? You mailed us for an internet connection right?" Now the question marks are there as if you already know the guy on the other end and he might've heard about your company. Now what happens here is you bypass the logical mind of your client and you are communicating directly with the unconscious mind, because your client's logical mind is starving for information associated with JJ and So and So company. And once you are on the way of explaining the thing there comes another part.

An Expert In Your Field.

You need to sound like an expert even though you are not an expert yet. How you become an expert is through gaining knowledge and experience in your respective field. But even if you are a beginner you can "sound" like an expert.  Now remember one thing: experts don't talk shit, their conversation is goal oriented, they ask intelligence gathering questions, they communicate their ideas properly, and an expert never talks more than he needs to. And they have the ability to control the conversation, if your client drifts away from the path, they are able to bring the client back to goal oriented conversation without even the client's knowledge. Sounds good right?

Now let me explain to you how to sound and look like an expert, first of all remember one thing, experts don't have all day to try to convince a client who is talking shit and not even paying attention to what the salesman needs to say, and they don't talk shit either, but that doesn't mean that you should stop the client in between the conversation, he is client and he'll drift of to pluto but it's your responsibility to bring him back to earth after a while.

How are you gonna do this? " woah! Just stop! I am sharp as a tack and expert in my field and I don't want to talk shit with you!" That's definitely not the way to talk to a client if you need to close the deal.

 I have a whole chapter dedicated to getting your client's back from Pluto to earth. The Conclusion is that you should sound and look like an expert and you should behave like an EXPERT.

Reasonable Man -

Now this more than anyone can teach you for free, this is the tonality, and it creates the image of you in prospects mind that you are being reasonable for the offer you've made.

It can be done when you've completed telling about your product, you just have to add in an uptone, " sounds fair enough?" or " sounds good?" that will create a huge impact in prospects mind and you have 98% of chance for closing the deal.

Enthusiastic as hell

I am editing the post because I missed the important point! You should feel enthusiastic about the product you are selling and I don't mean over enthusiasm it should be bottled enthusiasm, it should be below the surface like you are about to explode with enthusiasm. That sounds bit difficult I have whole chapter dedicated to this. 

To be honest, I've tried all of the techniques in the system and it works like a charm every time, You'll just need to have a bit of confidence and Tonalities to help you achieve the results.