Sales! It is an important skill every artist should have!

I strongly recommend every artist out there to have this skill or at least learn how it works. And it's not only for artists, it's for each and everyone of us to learn this art of selling. It is the most underrated art and people often ignore it. I came across this as a hurdle but once I learned how to get hold of this skill my personal communications and professional deals got closed! Which is pretty amazing. I didn't earn a lot but it showed me the potential of having this skill.

Why are Sales skills important?
The reason you need to learn this particular skill in life is because it can be used anywhere, everywhere and it is the most important skill for life. And if you learn how to talk to people to purchase your product then sky is the limit. You've received the gift of persuasion and selling.

Whom are you going to sell?
Now I believe that I am assuming that anyone reading this is either a professional graphic designer or an aspiring graphic designer. So for now let's assume that you are finding clients for Photo editing and graphic design related. Now this sales is not like door to door sales or cold calling, it's going to be more harder, now it depends whether you are going to sell your designs to a company or else negotiate the price.
Do you really need to learn sales?
Yes, It's a life skill, you need to learn sales to survive in this world. 

Now let's begin, there are 3 factors that you need to learn.
1. Tonality
2. Body Language
3. Rapport.

Tonality means the way you speak, it's not about the words you say when you open your mouth. It's the way you express your feelings while talking. Now let me give you one example here, When I am at home, if my mom calls me, "JIGNESH" in a stern cold voice then I instantly know that I've done something wrong. She says my name but what I hear is, " You are in Trouble" and if she calls me " JIG-NESH" in a sing-song voice then I know that everything is fine. There are 20 Tonalities and 10 of them are the core and most used tonalities. Now I won't go into the details right now because I have another whole chapter on Tonalities to discuss in future.

#2 Body Language
Body language plays a vital role in closing the sale, I will go into the details in a separate chapter in near future. But I'd like to give you an example of how Body Language works, Try it out yourself, if you feel excited in the morning your posture is whole different everyone is being nice to you and people love you, why? because you are sending positive vibes and people are perceiving you as a happy person and that's why they are behaving really well with you. On the other hand if you look sloppy and underfed, people will respond in the weirdest way possible, they'll even ignore you completely sometimes. That's the reason why Political personalities have powerful body language.

Rapport is something you should be able to build with someone, the longer you build the rapport the longer a person might give you his/ her attention. As above I will have an entirely separate chapter on Rapport and how to build rapport with strangers to express and tell people about your product without freaking out. 

Combining all of this in one shot increases your chance of closing the sale. It's the skill that no one ever taught and ever will for free. And I am going to do that honor for you. But in return I do want you to swear that you are not going to use it to sell garbage to people. Because the training I am going to give you in upcoming posts is the greatest secret that people are never exposed to. And remember One thing I'll just be doing this for educational purposes only don't go doing anything illegal with the methods as I won't be held responsible for any mishap you do.