I am currently looping into the same pattern of my daily routine, I constantly feel like I have used the infinity stone, I am looping into the same pattern everyday except for minor changes that justifies that all days are different. 

Here's How Exciting my life is and how it's going now!

  1. The usual hustled morning.
    At night I set up an Alarm for me to wake up in the morning, But I oversleep every day, the alarm always goes unheard, and I wake up an hour later than I am supposed to. But this is not because I am lazy or something, it's because I get back home at 11:30 at night, and after an hour full of dinner and chit chat with my family I finally go to bed. Now this one is just about the start of my day. More excitingly boring things happen with me the whole day.

  2. Time I waste till 2:00 PM
    Now Once I wake up at around 10 or 11 AM, I do all the necessary things people do after getting up like brushing teeth, bathing, having breakfast. Then I played with my son for some time. He is little and cute, for those who don't personally know me. I am 22 years old and I am married and I have a son. Once he is asleep  I waste my time on YouTube and Browsing the internet and memes.

  3. Getting Ready for action.

Once it's 2 PM I get ready for my office, I wash my face and put my jeans on and my shirt on. I kiss my son because he is cute and then start walking to the office. As I walk with my head up, chest out all with pride of solving the problems of customers over the phone and mentally prepare myself to get yelled at by dickhead customers. I do love to solve the issues of customers over the phone, if the customers are smart ass. They follow what I say, I build the rapport and I close the call sometimes cursing the customers but that's all the part of my job. I work as a customer care representative for a local internet provider.

For 8 hours, I talk with people on the phone, in person just talk, talk and talk, no matter what I convince customers who have small problems, I make it seem like it's a larger problem which might take 2 days approx to fix the problem completely. Now the way this works is like magic, I use all the straight line systems to get the customers in rapport, I make myself look like an expert and then Pace and lead, i just love to see it work.

  1. My day at work…

    I work all day talking to customers, and convince them that their internet is going to be fine and our high tech engineers will resolve the issues at lightning speed. Well it's not done that quicker but I try my best to get the job done. I just wait for 8 fucking hours to leave the office and go back home to my family, where my son awaits for his father, my mother and father awaits for their son and my beloved wife waiting for her husband. My day at work is quite boring as I wait for 11 in the clock to leave the office. 

Once it's 11:00 PM I leave my office and start walking back home and take an auto from the station to my home. Once I am home, I get a bath and then have dinner and then it loops back to the first point. It happens everyday the changes are that I wear different clothes, have different dialogues and people I meet are also wearing different attire. 

That's it this is what I am doing nowadays. I am stuck in this fucking loop, I have a hope that can change everything and every prospect of my life. I've decided something that will definitely change my life.