Enthusiasm (Bottled Enthusiasm)

In my previous post here I've written about 4 points that will help you close the sale. And the last point Enthusiasm is the 3rd main point of them. Let's begin with what I meant with Bottled Enthusiasm and why you need it in the first place.

"Don't talk shit, Experts don't do that!"
- Jordan Belfort


Now  let me tell you what bottled enthusiasm means and how it affects your overall sales performance.  You need to be enthusiastic but you don't need to be yelling or dancing in enthusiasm, it should be below the surface, like if you go on like, " HEY THIS IS THE BEST PRODUCT, THIS DOES THIS, THIS DOES THAT…" People will think of you as a freak, and no one is going to buy anything from you. Imagine you are getting approached by someone who has this amount of enthusiasm while talking your first thought will be, "what the fuck is he talking about? I am gonna stay away from him!"  And this is not what I mean when I say you should be enthusiastic.

In the previous post I've written in detail about using rapport and body language. Body language is a huge topic and I'll definitely give a detailed post for how to apply proper body language according to the situations. For now let's continue with bottled enthusiasm. And it's an important one but it's not that hard to perform.

Think of it like this, you are meeting a person/client who has requested a quote about your product and you are there to meet him and explain the products. Now think of it in 2 ways here are two examples. First one: You know your product and you are enthusiastic about it. You know every feature of it and know how efficiently it works. And then you meet the client have all the enthusiasm about your product and how great it is and you just keep that enthusiasm from exploding out of you, you are keeping it at a certain level, that the client can feel it too and it sends his sub conscious mind the signal that "this guy needs to be heard. Let's listen to what he got" and you explain it to your customer with all the three ten's and tonality and apply all the things that need to be applied when talking. 

And now the Second One: You know everything about your product and gave the full blown sales presentation but somehow your prospect/client doesn't feel the enthusiasm about your product even though it can cure customer's pain. Why does this happen? Because while presenting the idea/ product you lacked enthusiasm and that led the customer to not feel the energy that is required while listening to an enthusiastic sales person, and you didn't close the sale.

How can you be confident and enthusiastic during a sales encounter?

Well the answer to that is you need to develop that skill on your own, like you need to trigger that enthusiastic feeling for the particular sales encounter

How to trigger enthusiastic feelings?

This part deals with something called NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) where you train your brain to set an anchor point to trigger a particular feeling or emotions at required times. I will give a briefly detailed post about NLP in the near future. 

Now this doesn't mean that you can't trigger the emotion/ feeling, here's the quick tip of how to feel enthusiastic for your sales encounter. 

Remember your first sales encounter where you closed the deal and how happy you were about it, feel that happiness and enthusiasm building up in you again, this time you are absolutely certain that you are going to close the deal, keep in mind that it's your product and you are an expert in your field who knows everything about the product.

If you are not taking care of your customer,
then your competiter will!

That's it for today, I'll keep you all updated with all the new sales tactics and strategies from scratch, that'll help you grow your sales 10 fold. Till then stay motivated and safe.

Now check out my latest post: What I am doing nowadays?