It was mid 2018 when I started this blog, but it started as a magician's blog where I shared all the tips and tricks, mostly magic related stuff. As I grew, my motive to run the blog faded and I focused more on YouTube. I created a channel full of magic tricks and related content. 

I enjoyed what I was doing back then, sharing magic and spreading happiness. But as we all know if something is just not right for us we start departing from it, so did I. I stopped performing magic tricks, I stopped uploading videos about tricks. And my channel was inactive for almost months.

Back in 2019 BB Ki Vines was so famous, and me as a little brat, I started making vines on YouTube. I made vines for almost 7-8 months and then again it happened, the spark started fading away. I was lost, I felt like I didn't have anything on which I could focus fully. 

And then it hit me, I was good at Photoshop and Animation, and I was good at sales as I worked on the clothes stall with my uncle. I started writing about graphic design, I started uploading videos related to my graphic designs. I continued to upload the videos and updated my blog very often. I loved what I did, and then something happened. My life changed and so did my priorities. I fell in love with my woman, my focus shifted from my blog, my YouTube to my girl. I stopped uploading the videos and stopped updating my blog. It was not her fault, it was me who stopped working and became lazy. 

Trust me, Laziness destroys everything you've built with hard work, and the same happened with me, I lost subscribers, I lost followers, it wasn't like that I had thousands or millions of followers, I had a very narrow audience I had around 300 of subscribers on YouTube and around 400 readers on my blog daily. And everything was back to 0 within a couple of months. 

I was not paying attention to any of these as my primary focus was her and to date her I needed money so my secondary focus was to earn money. At that time I was earning 200rs a day. And I was happy as I didn't have the responsibilities back then which I have today. I was a self centred prick. 

And all of this was wasting my valuable time, I didn't mean that my wife or my family had anything to do with this, after all it was all me from the beginning. It is my life and I get to choose what I should do and what I should be doing right now. I wasted a lot of time. I dropped out of college in 11th grade and started to work with my uncle in the market where he paid me 200rs for 6 hours a day. 

Then circumstances changed, life was never the same, my dad lost his job as a DJ in a hotel, I was forced as I thought about it when I was 19 years old, I spent ⅓ of my earnings for ration and daily necessities and I kept around 30-50 rupees for travelling.  

In mid 2020, I started working at a local internet service provider in a customer care department, then I got time to relive my dream, I started writing again on my blog, designed it a bit colourful, and got the adsense approval, I have about 30-40 visitors daily and I love to share my knowledge and my personal tips on how things are done in graphics designing and sales. So in 2020 I announced that I should be running a blog and a YouTube, an instagram account, a twitter account, a facebook page all at once and with the same name DIGIMATOR101.

In 2022 I have decided to move further from just DIGIMATOR101 to creating a fully running business with DIGIMATOR101.INC as the name of my firm. The first employee of the company is, of course, alone.  I have a dream to create Digimator101.INC, a multimillion dollar company with around 300-400 employees working in it. My goal is to create job opportunities to the ones like me who are stuck due to whatever fucking reason. I want to be a helping hand to those who really are creative and have potential to become rich. 

For now, I am running all of this alone, I am the designer, the accounts manager, the director, the one and only DIGIMATOR101. I am the one who takes the leads and closes them, I do the marketing and advertising alone and constantly strive to keep updated all my social media accounts. Sometimes I fail to update everything everywhere, But I am happy with what I am doing. If you are a regular reader of my blog then you might've come across the Sales training program, Closers Training Program (CTP) is the program heavily based on Straight Line sales psychology where I give my tips and tricks on how to make it work easily for you.

Thank you for reading the post, I love you all who read the posts and share my content. You all really matter to me. Thanks once again, stay safe and stay motivated.