I've Made very influential changes in my life this year!

Now I'd like to tell you a bit about me, (obviously this is my blog so, I'll write my stories!!!) I am a digital artist. So you might understand that Chair is my best friend after my Computer! I work on Pc for almost 16 hours a day!  And it's so tiring to work continuously sitting and working. I don't like to get up even for the washroom, unless it's an emergency. 

The Changes I wanted to make last year!
As you know that new year resolutions are a thing, and for me it was an opportunity to change! I wanted some things to change in my life, like my diet, my exercise routine and my workspace.


  I wanted to be a positive person, but I couldn't gather the courage! I acted the very first day according to my schedule, like when I wake up I'll pray to god for showing me this wonderful day, and then I Started my daily routine, like bathing, having a cup of a tea with my family and having breakfast, then I went to my uncle's place as I used to work at a stall with him where we both sold leggings,kurtis and dupattas there.

Then after a long tiring day I would depart and then go back home with my pockets filled with two hundred rupees cash, my wage at the time. As many of my readers know me personally as most of you are my friends or my family members, know that I am a self learned graphic designer, and my parents know what a struggle it was, I used my old second hand laptop for most of my designs. And the big decision I made back then was to purchase a new second hand laptop which suited my needs.

But my new resolution for the year failed in the first 2 months itself! I remember visiting a computer shop at Lamington Road near Grant Road in Mumbai, I saved about 1500 rupees at the time and I asked my uncle for help with the remaining amount which was 2000 rupees, but I didn't get it. And I lost hope. I then spent my savings for my home, bought some ration and some daily necessary things.

As the year passed I got the Job where I am currently working. It's been a year since I am working for this company and I love my job as it gives me the freedom to work accordingly.

Things I've Changed This Year and How I am doing with it?
Now from 7 January 2022, My Dad's birthday, I've made a decision to make positive changes in my daily routines. My routine is something like this: I wake up, I pray to god for showing me this beautiful day, then I start with my daily chores, I get shower and then a nice hot cup of tea with my family. Then I go for some shopping like getting veggies from market, and once back I just chill for an hour then get my lunch and I get ready to leave for the office at 2, I walk all the way from east to west of my town and I reach office, I log in and start my work.

So it seems like I haven't made many changes? The changes are minute like going out in the market for veggies, and brainstorming my ideas on the paper while chilling. I design in this free hour.  And yeah one major change in my life which I made, I quit Smoking! Sounds difficult but is not. I found that my life is quite healthier without a cigarette.

Make small changes, They'll soon create a huge impact on your life


My Youtube Channel : DIGIMATOR101

Till then stay safe and stay motivated and Stay Creative!