Why is it hard to earn money as a beginner graphic designer?

The answer to that lies within the question. It's not hard to get paid as graphic designer but it is hard to put the price tag on designs. Because our main customers are our family members or our dear friends and we don't like to look like a business centered person.


BUT You have stomachs to fill, you should put the price tag on the design or even if editing the photos of your friend's last summer vacation, nothing is free. Yeah you can charge a bit lesser than you would to a customer but don't give much discounts, your time is not free, working for free is like telling your friends and families that you have plenty of time to waste and you are just editing or creating designs in that wasted time. 


If you feel shy to ask for money then you can simply tell them the market prices of the designs and how much discount they'll be privileged.  And trust me it works always because normal people don't know what rates are going in the market. So tell them. And trust me you'll get the money out of their pockets. 

But you should know that earning money should be the primary goal next to the Graphics Design itself. Because you've learned this all to fulfill your wishes and requirements and you can afford anything when your vault is full. 

And to become financially independent artist, you should work around the clock and get leads as much as possible and remember one thing don't try to bite more than you can chew.