Learning is free, but courses are paid, one can learn anything for free if one have the ambition... - Digimator101 
 So, you are an aspiring kid who have stumbled across my page. I am not here to teach the graphic design, but I am going to put away the curtains that Online websites have put on our youth. 

You may have came across advertises like : LEARN FREE GRAPHIC DESIGN.. CLICK HERE. or FREE GRAPHIC DESIGN COURSE!

And what happens after you click those? 

It is questionable if they say FREE! than why do they even want card details. Can't you just give what you've advertised for?

The reason why I am writing this is because this had happened with me a couple of years ago when I was starting my self in this field.

And trust me there's one enemy who always keeps an eye on you "GOOGLE" it tracks your search results and shows you what you want or you've previously searched for. And I saw the advertise which had this golden words "LEARN GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR FREE!" and as I was financially struggling that time, I straight away clicked on the link and which had very fancy graphics on their page, and as I filled in the form with all the basic details, there came a form with a payment details where I was supposed to pay 1 USD for just getting verified as a person and then the website owner will pay that money back and give the exclusive access to the free course. 

I was upset and set back. I just went to youtube and started looking for the online course. Then it HIT me hard! I had the knowledge and the power to sharpen it, I didn't need any animation or graphics course, I just needed a fu*king system! ( by system means I didn't had a computer that time) 

I learned a lot from YouTube, and thanks to my engineer Dad, he taught me the basic of the animation program called Macromedia Flash 8. And it was the ice breaker move, if my father hadn't introduced me to flash then I would have never learned what I have learned now. 

My parents are so proud that I never needed much attention for learning things, I learned them on my own, I covered Photoshop in a month and then I moved to Illustrator, I am writing this all because I know there are many kids who aren't financially strong and don't even think of themselves following their passions.

In the end, there is nothing who can teach you except the burning fire inside you and hunger for knowledge will teach you a lot. There are nothing as free but yeah I can assure you that if you have an active internet connection, you can learn almost anything for free, like there are many YouTube Channels who are teaching for free. Just don't fall into the traps. And yeah, if you have some budget then there are really cheap courses which you can check out, there are websites like Skillshare, udemy (NOT SPONSORED FROM ANY OF THEM, BUT I WON"T MIND IF THEY CAME FOR SPONSORSHIP).

Well that's it for today, I'll be updating this thing soon. Till then I've just shared the method to learn graphic design online and for free.