Want to be that Bad*ss Graphic Designer Whom people recognize for his vision at designing?

Don't worry! I am here to share my secret of creating the designs and what do these people think while designing/working?


"Never use headphones while designing, 
It slows down the entire process plus you 
won't enjoy the art but the music you are playing" - DIGIMATOR

So now let's work with some basic project- "not really" Just think of working on a graphic designing project, suppose you have to do some logos and then apply them to the business card and need to create a web mock up too.. ( how busy can anyone be?) 

Just Imagine you have all this work and are constantly loosing the motivation to do the given tasks. So how will you stay organised and on the schedule and keep up the good work? 

Well, you can't. This doesn't mean you can't try. Personally right now as I am writing I am at my office, where I am working as -- ( No comments, it's secret) I am working with a firm totally different from my field. But... (there's always one) I am currently working with my Dad on 2 movie projects and one Web series (I'll soon update about it here, for now it's secret) and I assure you that working on movie projects are as tiring as lifting up the truck tire alone whole day. 

Yeah, I know this post was not about how great I'am (I know I am ;-) ) I am bout to share the tips that most of the animators follow and it's effective for each and every artist. 


This is most effective tip, because this little things on ear distracts more than anybody else in the world. And you also miss the experience of creating, you just feel the music that's echoing in your ears to brain. And some times you may even miss the changes you intended to make in artwork.


Using google images as an inspiration, but not to copy any one's artwork. Getting inspired is legal but copying someone's work is illegal. So use google image only for getting a reference image and a clear idea of what you need to do.


Use many layers as per your requirements, remember layers are meant to keep your art work neat and clean, so make a separate layer for every object in the artwork. Don't just start painting/ animating on a single layer with all the objects. It'll be so stressful to work on just a single layer or 2 layers. And Layers can help you to organize the work and keep your projects in order. 


Don't just keep working for others and their needs, I know customer is god and every customer should be treated equally, but chill man! you can explore your imagination, no one is stopping you. Just remember to be unique and creative in your way. Finding your own style will require some time and practice. There's only one person who can stop you from learning great things is only you, Yourself!.

This were the tips to be a bad*ss Graphic Designer! Follow those and your art will speak more than your words.

Well that's it, And yeah, don't get confused between Digimator, posting or this Admin posting, both are the same persons ! ME! JIGNESH!

I am posting this from this account because I am too lazy to login from the DIGIMATOR one. Well I hope you had the good read. Keep reading and keep motivating yourself and others. 

Well hope to see you all soon. Till then please be safe and stay creative.