Are you a graphic designer and want to make money online?

Here's the way you can convert your knowledge into a profitable business. But l, there's always a but... 
Making it online means that you are vulnerable to getting your designs copied by someone and will get posted without proper crediting or your concern.

#Create a Blog.

Posting your knowledge on social media is not that profitable. But creating a Blog and posting it regularly and updating the contents will sure help you achieve the results. I know it's bit tiring writting a whole post of thousands and thousands of words. But listen you won't get anything if you don't bother to try to be in the light. 

All this people blogging and getting successful is not an over night effect. It is their hard work of putting in time to write and share their ideas and knowledge to the community. Blogging is never been an easy task but who have done it have achieved success.

#Share your blog and content on social media.

 Now I know I've wrote above that social media is not that great to share your stuff and bring you the profit. 

Where social media here will play a major role in bringing you the right audience for your blog.  

Now a days it is a valuable tool for everyone, even foolish stuff can go viral so why not try to sell your ideas and designs to public there? You should be confident enough for what you are doing. 

Now there are tons of platforms online, like Facebook, Instagram, Deviant art, etc. The point is you should be posting the posts of your blog, don't post your designs directly.


What did I want to tell you?

Blogging can help you a lot in terms of earning money. You can even make a living out of it. You should post regularly and keep updating the blog and designs or any ideas or what is going on in your life. 

Once you have posted a healthy amount of posts then you can send your blog for monetization which will monetize your blog and you'll start earning.

At last, it's in your hand wether to take this post seriously and start working or else you can continue to do what you are doing now. Stay safe and stay motivated.