Keeping Calm is All about Staying Focused!

 My usual tactics to stay calm is really simple, just remember one thing that life is to small for getting angry all the time, I just keep my head calm.  Well I am going to share you tips and tricks to stay calm.


 #1 Believe In Yourself!

Believe in yourself doesn't mean that you should go believing blindly that you are superior than others. No don't do that, that will make you look fool in front of other people. Just remember that you have to stay calm the whole time, there will be time when you'll have chance to speak. Now if there's someone who's provoking you for a fight, then you should consider 2 things, One : You can always walk away without speaking, Two: You can fight and retort back with the subject. 


Most of the people will go with the fight back thing as they get the chance to prove themselves, and there are other more SMART ASS people who'll stay calm and win the game without hassle. 


Now more on the part to stay calm! As you choose to stay calm you decided to let them win the blame game.  And by doing this you convey them the message that you can tolerate there yelling.

Now if you choose the latter than the chance are that your argument can lead to some serious damage to your relation. If you are completely stranger than you can continue to argue though, sometimes we need entertainment!


 Stay calm and aggressive.

                                                                           - Gabrielle Reece



#2 Focus On your Plate!

Now as you follow the ride, you must know that you should always focus on your plate! and you already have enough on your plate to fill you entire day. Just focus on your plate and continue to eat from it. Don't get distracted by what other's are eating ( metaphorically)  

Just keep on working, people will get angry, upset or even start loathing you but remember one thing to get what you want you should get it as calmly as possible.  

A good example is of a Lion waiting for his prey to come closer, A lion just stays calm and waits for his lunch, he may have to wait for minutes, sometimes for hours, then finally when it gets closer then at the right moment he rises and BAM! He got his meal!




#3 Morning will make or break your Day!

This is important! How you wake up is not important but your thoughts and feelings are important! 

Suppose you had a bad dream or your mom yelled on you for something for last night's dinner? How you feel will make or break your entire day! If you smile and replay peacefully and calmly than trust me your day will be extraordinary. And it's not just for day if you decide to give it a try for weeks, months,years you can achieve them! just remember that you have the potential to do anything! 

The conclusion is, that you can achieve anything in life you just need to give yourself a push and think wisely and act calmly. No one will get in between you and your goal ( if the goal is violent then this might not work :-)  

Humans are capable of thinking and acting according to it, so why not use it for greater good. Think of the times you've got angry and have acted on the anger and found that things messed up more than you thought? That's what I wanted to Convey through this post! I am a graphic designer and as well as a customer service employee and through the years I've learned that anger doesn't get you to anything on the other and it takes away whatever you have! 

(Image source:

Stay safe, stay calm and don't forget gratitude is the key!

Also check out my schedule on Tuesdays : Exciting Tuesdays