You might've come across this life changing book! The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne. 

 Well I've saw the video and it really has something in it. I loved it and I shared it with my family and friend. But You are not here for reading weather I shared this information with my old grandma. You are here to get information about the LOA or The Secret works or not? Or weather it worked on me or not?


Well, I am going to be honest with all of you reading this article, I have very positive feedback about the book and the video and as for my experience I'll share it here now. I've divided this  Article in Chapters so You'll find it easier to follow up.

#1 It Began in 2010

 I was in high school back in 2010, it's been 12 years since I've seen the secret documentary for the first time with my dad. I didn't understand at first about it, the only part I remembered was about visualization and imagining what we want and to believe in that and it'll come to you. I was barely 11 years old and for me it was like finding the genie in the lamp but now I think of it and it hits me hard that I didn't knew back then what I know of the Secret now! 


I still remember it as it had happened yesterday, I came home from school and sat for lunch with my family and after lunch me and my father sat watching TV,  or I can say it was just me watching the TV as my father was watching this Secret on his phone, I over heard the video and it was just started and it took my attention. I turned of the TV and went to sit near my dad. As I wrote above I was just 11 years old at the time I didn't understand the whole concept of The Secret.

Now you might think, what is it that an 11 years old boy wants to attract with LOA? Well for me it was a Portable handheld console PSP. I wanted one and I started as shown in the video, I took all the cut outs from news papers and magazines of PSP console and I would imagine for hours daily that what will do once I get it and how cool it'd be to have one in front of my school friends and how I'd show off about it. Everything I imagined, and it was almost about 3-4 months I was doing it when finally my father brought me one, one night and I was really very happy.



 I didn't stopped after my first achievement I was so desperate at 19 when my every relation was breaking up. I only imagined for having a life partner at that age,or I can say I just hoped for a better girlfriend that would help me and be with me always. 

And most of my relationships turned to be a mess, and I never liked that phase of my life when every girl I tried to reach out to turned against me somehow and then broke up with me! 

 It was mid 2018 when I met her, My real life partner my soulmate, I won't expose her identity yet due to my personal reasons, but trust me she's the best thing ever happened to me! I have a family with her now and we are living a fairy tale life together. She loves me and I love her and thanks to The Secret that helped me attract her to my life. 

 Now for the technique of how I actually made it is actually a piece of cake!  I knew from my internal mind that this girl whom I met in 2018 is going to be my life partner and I knew that if I approached her with right confidence she'll accept my proposal. 

And after a lot of patience and building the rapport with her I asked her out on one afternoon in mid October of 2018. And yet again it worked! Now as many of you might not know that I've learned Psychology as my main subject and I have very manipulative personality but that is saved for another article I'll post in near future. 

 But that knowledge wouldn't have helped me alone with getting along with this! I used the secret, Imagining her with me all day, trying to feel the energy of two of us and writing down every positive aspect of her. I constantly tried to be in touch with her and I studied everything that I needed! Getting in a relationship is not as easy as getting in ration shop! 


#3 Studies and Interests!

 Now second thing after my love life that is dear to me is my studies and career! I always wanted to be a psychologist and along with psychology I love Graphics Design and Animations, and I have studied Graphic Design and Animation, and I am self taught, yeah my father helped me with the basics of software like how to import images or what keyframe does, but over all of the things I learned it my self and got certified with my dad's institution.

Now as 2019 ended and we landed in 2020 I was really depressed and I was broken, my wife leaved me and I was stuck at my friend's place in Saphale village for almost 3 months, the Covid-19 crisis was a huge blow to me and my family, my parents barely had any money left from the savings and it was now do or die situation for me and my family. It's not like the secret suddenly stopped working but it was like I failed! 

My studies and my knowledge didn't help me to achieve anything back in 2020 because the studios were all closed and I had no work and no way to feed my family. I haven't saw the poverty this close , my mom and dad only ate one time in day. I started looking for job, and as you may have saw the documentary there's a quote, that universe is like genie if you lose faith and stop believing in the thing you desire then it'll just accept your thought and it may never work for you. 


 Did it work for me? Yes and definitely it will work on you too! but there's a tip that I might like to give you. Never ever suspect your goal or else it will never work!  Have faith and believe in what you desire and it'll come to you! Just follow your passion and believe that's the key!

I don't know what it is, the energy or god,but it is and it helps everyone who seeks help!

(Image source: Google)