Avoid These Mistakes when you are Animating!!!


We are too lazy to rename our symbols!

Now you know what? We are not lazy we are just crazy, that we forget to name symbols sometimes. Take a look at my library of symbols below from my last Video.


I love to organize my characters and their actions in separate folder as it saves the time when you are animating and needs to find the action instead of rigs of your character.
And look how I have named it, From animating to walking. 


This is something I've seen many artist/Animators do... They don't organize the layers either! Now I am not bragging about it but I do really take time and put efforts to get a clean and neat timeline. I don't like to mess with my main timeline I am working with, I've found a method that really helps me to animate with ease and without messing my main timeline. For example : CLICK ME! 

In the video linked above, every piece of animation that appears in it is created in separate symbols. As I said, I've seen many who don't focus on cleaning up the main time line. 


If someone is looking at your art from behind your back and they want to pass a suggestion, then don't cut them, listen to some suggestions and try to figure out if the suggestion would make your piece of art any better? if not then dump it, but if you are having second thoughts then you should probably give it a try.

Animation is an emotion and yes, You can play with it!!!

Thanks for reading! have a great day ahead and as always stay safe and stay motivated!