Why I like horror movies? ( actually, I love 'em)

The reason why I love horror movies, because I live a pretty normal life where nothing strange or paranormal happens. And it just thrills me whenever there is a new horror movie released in theatres. But I'd like to share you a story that happened to me a long, long ago.

I was ten when this incident happened, we lived in a chawl where I and my Friends used to play hide and seek in electricity outage. And as I live in Virar almost for more than 2 decades now I am used to power outages. So anyways, lets get to the story.

It was a new moon night, and in India people believe that on new moon's night we shouldn't be up late and we should come back home before the nightfall. And I was grounded for 3 hours for not completing my stupid homework. I completed it anyhow but it was too late, all my friends were gone, I took my cycle and went to a store to buy myself a chocolate when I heard my mom from distance yelling at me to bring some milk for her. 

I rode back to the chawl and parked my cycle at my uncle's porch, and as I started climbing the staircase I saw it and I really screamed hard that I nearly pissed my self, I ran at my uncle's house with my dear life and pounded his door. He opened it and I told him that there was someone standing at staircase. He came with me I looked everywhere but there was no one. 

My uncle dropped me at my house and I told mom what I saw at staircase, but she won't believe a word, she thought it might be the trick of light, but I know what I saw! 

"A man, with ripped clothes, sunken eyes, mouth wide open and curly dark hairs masking most of his face, he looked as if he was stuck or something his hand's were stretched out and he looked maddening"
Above can be the best of my memory of what I saw. And I swear to god it was real whatever I saw that night. 

That's it for today. I will update the blog soon. Till then stay safe and Stay motivated!