How your body language should be? A practise for everyone to apply in for daily basis!!!

Now for those who are really serious about their careers in the sales field this is going to be a fun guide to them! But it is for anyone who is seeking help for body language and looking like an alpha thing!

How does body language help you when you're in a sales encounter? Go ahead and read my detailed post HERE!

And if you want to learn more about the closers training program then click here!

What is body language and what is it used for?

Body language is the major part of non verbal communication. Where there is no need of words to express your emotions/feelings. Let me give you an example here, have you ever noticed how your mom reacts when she is angry and how you know that she is pissed off by just her look, see? We pull our body in a certain fashion that indicates to our brain that someone is pissed off on you, or someone is really happy for you. 

In other words body language sends the vibes to the people how you are feeling without uttering a single word out of your mouth. And that's where learning it to master and use it to your advantage is handy.

Now to learn about how body language works and how to use it for advantage is quite simple. You'll just need to observe the people and learn about their body language, and once you start observing people you'll slowly observe yourself and you'll make the mental notes about how you should behave and how you should look. 

I know observing people's actions seems boring at first but once you make the habit of it it'll be so easy for you to read people, within a fraction of second you'd be able to see how the other person you are talking to is feeling. 

This is not a mind reading tutorial, it is about developing your own body language, how you use facial expressions, how you maintain your posture while speaking and about how you can apply all these to become a master salesman.

As I know body language plays a really important role while you are in person with someone. It reflects your thoughts and the way you are feeling in that situation. 

The key to success in this thing is you should have the feeling that you are in control of yourself. And if you feel great the person next to you will feel the same. 

And remember fake it till you make it! Confidence is the key and it can be faked till you really have that level of confidence.  

Tips for Men who really want to nail it!

  • Chest out chin up!

While walking, while talking your chest should be stretched out and your head must be held high. 

  • Don't talk shit!

Remember one last thing, even if you walk your chest out, your chin up and you open your mouth and talk shit, that'll crush your image entirely. Even if you look and show like you are an expert and once you open your mouth with garbage talk, you should stop it right away, because experts never talk shit, they are so busy and have so much going around in their minds they just don't unload the shit.

I will be back soon as I get my plate cleaned, I am going through some really difficult times of my life, And not getting the fucking ideas to write about. I am okay though, I hope everyone reading this are okay and I wish them good luck for tomorrow! Because tomorrow is going to be your chance to change something in your life.