Money can't buy you happiness, but it's a ticket for happiness!

Well this statement might seem a bit odd for those shits who've been taught that way. There's a little story I would like to tell you today. This is something that actually happened to me. And it is really amusing because in all the fucking universe god chose me to held this all things. 

This is something about how my financial life is currently. I am working at my friend's studio where I am an editor who edits a whole lot of videos and photos which I like doing. Now as I have been working there for a month now, I left the ISP in which I worked previously. I am happy but the happiness is mental, not financial yet. 

Even when I worked with ISP I used to take some amount of salary in advance just to cope up with my credit card bills and EMIs. Everything happened to me is solely by my acknowledgement and consent. 

I am sharing this because I feel everyone reading this should take something from it. Now I am undergoing financial crises, no savings in account, expenses more than my income and above all, I am the only earning right now and all of this are slowly and gradually affecting my relationship with my parents and my wife. Even though it shouldn't be that way, I am so damn sure that if I continue like this then it's gonna affect my mental health too. 

Now let me share you what's really killing me from insides, is me doing nothing for my son, I am so fucking stuck that I am not even able to purchase him a new milk bottle. I've suffered poverty almost my half of life and I don't want my son to suffer all this fucking nonsense.  And this thing is really terrible, like what kind of father I am? I really want to give him everything that I didn't have when I was a kid.

I am currently so happy with my work space, And it's an honor for me to be an editor of a studio. And my boss/friend/elderish brother Niraj whom I am working for is really so supportive, he has helped me when I am in need. And he still helps me if I need anything.  

It was a really tough day and the thing is I really got pissed off today just by staring at the blank space and thinking of my present situation. I really get mad at god at this point, Why god? Why fucking me? It could've happened to anybody but he chooses fucking me! And it was all that way from the very fucking beginning of my life. 

I was born at a very famous hospital in Mumbai and was the only kid to my parents. I am thankful to my parents that they raised me and gave me the education which was affordable to them and gave me an opportunity to explore my field of interest. 

As you've read the title everything will come down to money if you are born in a particular lower middle class family, and unfortunately I am born in a lower middle class family. 

Now Why am I writing this whole lot of emotional shit? Because it's my personal blog and I'd really like to share with all of you what mistakes I've made. Some of you potheads might ask how can I blame my birth in a lower middle class family for everything? See that's what I am not explaining here! I am not blaming anyone, not my parents, nor any gods or goddesses of any kind. I am just writing this to motivate you guys out there! See when I started this blog I used my uncle's laptop to update it, then a couple of months ago it all fell apart and I didn't have money to buy one. I started updating it when I was at the office, where Once in a week I posted. 

Now I am updating my blog from moto g plus Android which don't even let me edit the content as per my requirements. But anyways don't you guys ever feel alone and cut off from the world, everyone is dealing with their own shits and problems and trying to be helpful and kind. 

And as for the money, save up each and every penny you can and have 2-3 ways of income. Don't rely on one income source. Because one can never have enough money in this situations where inflation is at peek!

That's it for today guys! I'll update you all soon! Till then stay creative, stay motivated!