CTP aka Closers Training Program are going to make it on YouTube!

I am really excited to tell you this, I am going to update and Tweak the Closers Training program a bit and I am working on the very first episode of it. I am really excited and looking forward to it, the First Video of Closers Training Program is expected to be premiered on YouTube till September 2022. 

For those who are interested in learning the valuable skill of life, sales this is a good opportunity for them. As all of you guys are reading about Sales training and Ways to sell your products in an effective manner this program will benefit them.


If you follow the golden rules laid out be me with this program, your sales funnel will never be empty again. Sales is a life skill and I believe that it should be taught in schools. Never mind, Governments are only interested in creating butt heads.

And it’d be fun guys, I am excited to upload the program, it’d be up and running by this September because I am still working on it. The information will be completely free, Donations are welcome though!

I won’t mind a cup of coffee!

Below is the sequence of which videos I am currently working on for CTP.

v A brief introduction of CTP
v The Three Tens
v Body Language
v Rapport
v Tonalities
v Framing
v Why Should They Buy from You?

 And many more. I will be sharing some of my personal tips too, and you can try them with any sales encounter, and they work like a charm.

I am currently busy with my office work and personal life and dealing with a lot of shit daily and that’s the reason Why I am not uploading videos or posting an update on my blog. Though the Monthly Report will be updated on the blog in next 2 days.  

Nothing fancy though. I am working on a video which is expected by next Friday and there’s a little announcement at the end of upcoming video so please do watch the full video. Excited about Friday. See you all in next week. Till then stay motivated and Stay Creative.