Digimator101.INC is ready to host your dream site!

Domain and hosting starting and 149* Per Month!!!

I am happy to announce that I am providing hosting and Domain for those who are ready to boost their businesses!!!

Now there are few limitations to the hosting and domains. I'll be giving you free domains along with the premium ones. Premium ones cost a bit higher than the free domains. But a free domain has really a great potential to increase your conversion rate and fill your funnel with leads!!! 

Now for those who are interested in hosting their website and get business running online at cheaper rates can directly go to my website and fill up the form I've put there to know what are your needs. 

Thank you very much for all the support you've been giving me. It means a lot!

Benefits of hosting your site with us:

  1. You get one of our free domains available. (Or if you have custom domain we help you set up for hosting and the technical part)

  2. We have the fastest server space and I am really excited to say we provide you Unlimited Bandwidth.

  3. We build a wordpress powered site for you. With a dynamic landing page with a SSL Certificate to let people know that your site is safe for all.

  4. We provide you with a Logo for your site if you don't have one already!

  5. And last but not least, Our hosting provides 98% uptime so your website is never down.

And much more…

Fill up the form on our website and I will send you the quotation for hosting services/ domain registration!