What I think about Law Of Attraction? Does it work?

I don't want to offend the people who have watched The Secret  but it is not actually like it, the Law of attraction works but not like the way shown in the movie. It does work but there are some conditions to make it work for you. 

We all desire things, and we want to attract them in our lives, and I am sure you all want the Money, Fame, Girls, Property,  everything that'll make you rich and happy. So how to make the LOA work for you?

Here's the way I used LOA and got what I desired in my life. I won't tell you to imagine the cheque of a hundred thousand dollars without working, the law of attraction works like real magnets. 

How does it work like a real magnet you might ask?

Have you ever played with magnets when you were a kid? When you put the iron close enough to magnet then it gets attracted to it and it gets stuck. That's how it works, I've seen many people trying to attract things but not working for it, see to make it work you need to start a step towards your goal then only you'll be able to hit it. Let me give you an example here, if you are passionate about music and want to become the next rockstar, then you'll first have to learn the instrument you are gonna play, then learn the music and then you'll hit your goal with hard work and consistency. That's how it's done, there'll be no cheque if you don't work, there'll be no future if you don't work.

Do I use Law Of Attraction?

Yes I do, and in fact I use it every day, sometimes it works like a charm, sometimes I have to make it work, the thing is it works but not like shown or explained in the movie. For example, I wanted to become a graphic designer when I was 17 years old. See here I am 6 years later, I have a diploma in graphics and 2D animation. I am pursuing a Degree in 3D animation. 

And there's a main factor which greatly boosts the speed of LOA and helps you manifest what you want, is Gratitude. You should always be grateful for the universe and whatever you have got is due to the positive force of the universe, whatever you are today are created by your perception of you from the past. You should always think positively and work hard for your desired image and sooner or later you'll definitely reach your goal.  

If you want to get rich, act as if you are already rich.

Are you constantly failing or not seeing the results for what you want to attract?

Here is the step by step process of how I manifest and attract the things I want in my life. 

  • Gratitude
    Once I wake up in the morning, I thank the universe for giving me the opportunity to see this day and everything I've attracted towards me whether those things, people or knowledge. I thank the universe for everything and start my day.

  • Act as if you have the things desired in your life.
    Now this might sound a little odd, but you have to act as if you already have that thing /person in your life, it does help to attract what you want in your life. Many rich people will tell you this, before you attract anything you should feel like you already have it and eventually you'll attract it in your life, see there's a science behind it, for example if you need to buy a new phone, you search for it and then you lock in the one you want to buy and then you start to work for it and save money and buy it! See you need to work to attract things in your life!

Now you'd be wondering Why I shared this post and topic of LOA?
See people are dreading to attract money, fame, girls,property,etc. and I wanted to share with them how the Law of attraction works and I wanted to share it with you all. See this is all related to the one life skill, which is SALES! It can help you become a sales manager, general manager or whatever designation you want, you can open the company, run a multimillion dollar business. If you have the dream then you can pursue it, no matter what. Don't let anyone tell you what you should do and what not. No one needs to have control over what you desire, just because someone is poor he/she has dreams too, and that's the whole motive of this post, your dreams are doable, you just need faith and need to start working for it.

Thank you for reading the post, I'll update you all about the biggest decision I've ever made for my life. Next post is  going to be exciting and I am excited too to announce it here! Thanks once again, stay safe and stay motivated!