What's my game plan for future?

I have left my old job, where I worked in Customer Care with a local internet provider named DNA Infotel Pvt Ltd. Let me tell you something I really miss the people I worked with but guess what I don't miss the job I was doing there! 

I loved to work there as my colleagues were so great and understanding that they felt like a family. All were great with me, I was friends with all of them. 

I left the job on 10th June 2022 and I don't regret the decision at all. Now what am I going to do next? I've set it all up. I am going to work with my brother's studio in Palghar where he is paying me more than I was making with DNA INFOTEL PVT LTD. Where my work is to get the pics edited and edit the videos.

I always wanted to work with him as he is working already in the field I want to work in. But I am more on the technical part of my field. Now once I get stable I want to get a PC and start working with my animations for YouTube.  Now I know that establishing an audience on YouTube is hard, and it may take a lot of time to get there, but I want to get there and I know I can get there. 

So here's my game plan: I am going to work my ass off and get some money to buy me a system, where I'll work for my brand and I will work to fulfill my dream. I will occasionally be giving sales training also as you may have known that I use straight line sales psychology everyday to sell the ideas. 

Let me tell you this, the Straight Line Sales system is really the most powerful sales system out there and you know what it's the system created by our beloved Jordan Belfort aka Wolf of Wall Street! 

I have a Closers Train Program which gives you insides of the working of the Straight Line Sales system. It does work like a charm.  Now I will say goodbye for now as I am going to have a nap because I am unwell. Thanks for reading.