Want to feel great every single time when you wake up?
The best tips for those who work late on computer systems! Now it's easier to get out of bed feeling angry or sad. But did you know 90% of your day is determined by how you feel waking up in the morning? Pretty interesting huh?
I am going to share with you the best tips I know to get your moods up when you get out of your bed!

    Many people still do this! When they wake up, they start recalling what they did the day before and they don't try to focus on the positive part instead they choose to recall what they did wrong! Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that you shouldn't recall what mistakes you've made! But dude honestly you have an entire day to count your mistakes. Why do that in the first place when you are just waking up?
    Your body is a miracle, have you ever taken time to appreciate how accurate it's design is, have you ever watched your hands move the way you think, or have you ever invested your time to observe how your body has changed? Take a moment and watch and feel your own body, it's really fascinating when you observe it, and be  thankful to your mother and father for raising you and for making you what you are today.
    You can start your day with a smile tomorrow morning, once you wake up rubbing your eyes, look around and smile at all the people around you. People appreciate your happiness when you smile at them, try it tomorrow morning and see how it works. When I was a little boy, my mom used to tell me to smile at everyone and wish them good morning, or do anything that may reflect to others that you are happy. It makes them feel special when they see you smile in the morning.
    My first thought as I wake up in the morning is, "Thank you for showing me this day, I hope it'll be amazing and fascinating, and I hope I'll learn a lot!" This is something I have been doing for the past couple of years.
Now some insider news for my lovely readers!
I am about to get some new system for work, I'd get one if possible this month because I don't want to stay behind the crowd. I am not that kind of person who just sits and waits for opportunity I want to create opportunity for myself. I don't want my blood line to think I was a waste of time and space. I am about to start something that has not yet done before, or I can say people have tried but hadn't had that success that I dream of.

Well that's it we'll update as I get enough time and space to write again. Love from India! [ ( I know where my traffic is coming from ;-) ]

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