Always wanted to be the person whom everyone Likes?  

There are ways of getting people to like you, but you can't force anyone to like you intentionally. Instead there are couple of changes which if you apply will change your life entirely. Now I assure you that if you change the way you are now and try the methods I've shared you'll see incredible results!

Now I'd like to tell you one thing, this changes are not done overnight, it takes time and patience, if you think you have both of them then you may continue. 

#Try to be nicer to everyone

Try to be nice to everyone, even if it's a beggar or your poor performing colleague.  If you try being nice and help people out. People will start noticing you as you get involved with their problems and try to solve them. 
Everyone loves when paid attention, so try to be a good listener. If you have come across someone who is so depressed and have negative talks with people, try to approach them and treat them just like you'd have done to your family member.


Try to be in next person's shoe for a moment and try to see the world from their perspective. Now it's not just about thinking, you should really help people with anything in your power. Taking the initiative is important. At first it'd feel really silly going out and trying to talk to your friends and family openly on their problems, and as do that tell them your problems too, because then only person will be able to open up with his trust in you.

But try to genuinely help out people, don't just go to hear them out and do nothing after listening, if there's something that's out of your hand, then atleast apologies for not being able to be useful to them. Apologies have great power, and using them at proper moment will ten fold your relationship with the person next to you. Now don't overdo the apologies as they will make you appear less confident and the person next to you will start losing their interest. 

Empaths all around the world does the exact same thing as they are good listeners they get very important information out of their subjects which help them in cold reading. Now I won't go into details about cold reading in this post. I have a great amount of information about the topic. As I've done very deep research on psychology and human behaviour. 

There's more to this, I'll share you more of this, just stick around and subscribe to my blog.