Well I have something to do this month. 

1. I want to change my habits a bit. 
2. I will be posting and sharing the content all around my social media.
3. Will try to post atleast one video a month for my YouTube. 
4. Last but not least, I want to hit the milestone of my 1st 1k subscribers on YouTube. 

As most of my readers here might not have any idea that I have a YouTube channel, but it's kinda deserted I have not uploaded a single video since last year due to lack of resources. 

Now as I am busy due to my daytime job and trying to make ends meet. I won't be able to post as often as I used. But I will try atleast post once in 3 days, so you guys get updates about me and know what I am upto next. 

Let's get into the details about how and why I made the to do list for this month! 

1.Changing my habits.
Now to be clear, I have turned down my bad habits, I've quit smoking đźš­ , I don't consume alcohol. So which bad habits I want to change? 
Well I've been trying to get up early in morning and to start animating some videos for my YouTube, but seems like my brain just Bypass my commands for getting up early, whenever I try to wake up at 7 Am it's just magical that my alarm fails to wake me up.  So I want to wake up early and be productive and work for my YouTube channel. 

2. I will be posting and sharing the content all around my social media.

Writing down posts isn't good for my blog, it needs to be read. Here's my routine after posting or uploading on blog or YouTube. Once posted successfully I then go crazy on sharing it on social media, I spam everyone from Facebook to Instagram to WhatsApp, everywhere every platform I exsist on. I share my content on every platorm I am active on.  Sometimes I am lazy enough that I just post to Facebook and just copy and paste the link everywhere else. 

3. Will try to post atleast one video a month for my YouTube. 

As I wrote at beginning that I have a YouTube channel and it's currently deserted, no one is watching my videos, and I've decided that I have to upload a video a month, because as you people know animation is tedious and takes a lot of effort and manpower. So I'll try to upload the video once in a month. 

4. Last but not least, I want to hit the milestone of my 1st 1k subscribers on YouTube. 
This is something I won't be able to achieve in just month, It'll take time but I have to start working from this month. Whatever it'll be I will keep it posted here so my readers can access my channel and enjoy the content ( if enjoyable ;-) )