Have you ever asked yourself what is the meaning of happyness for you?

Are you really happy with your life?

I am not a philosopher, I am just a guy. Who has been around for so long in search of happiness. But then am I really happy? Maybe I am or maybe... not
What does Happyness mean to me?

I am happy with what I am right now. I've really been thinking about this for a long time about what should I do? And am I happy doing this? Then it suddenly hit me one afternoon. To be honest I am not religious, I do respect every religion and I don't mean to offend my readers, but I am not that religious. But something happened. I don't know what it was or how it happened, I just burst into tears, I was listening to a SAI BABA AARTI .
It really touched me and I felt the inner peace, and it all came to me, the sense of being wherever I am right now, the realization that I have what I've dreaded for, the ultimate sense of everything going around me is due to how I've reacted to the particular situation. And wherever I am right now I am really happy that it's not the worst yet. I've seen many terrible things in these 22 years of my journey in the world, and I am really thankful to god that I have never been so cherished in my life by anyone other than my parents. There is a god and he never leaves us, that positive energy people feel when waking up in the morning, that courage to help other people around us even when you are not in the situation or have any power or control over it.

Happyness can be achieved anywhere around the world, you just need to find the right button to turn your happiness on! I've found mine, except from having a stable job and not trying my hundred percent for career I want to pursue, I am still happy, because money and fame can't buy you happiness they can just buy you the satisfaction of having those in life, there are many people around us, who have a lot of money, they are famous but their personal lives are messed up. They try to look happy but they actually aren't.

I know someday I'll make my dream come true, I'll buy my dream house, my dream car, my dream business and I know I'll live my dream, in fact I am living some part of it already. I know my dream is huge and can't be achieved overnight but it is an achievable thing to do on earth. If a man can sell digital photographs for millions of dollars then Why can't I become a world class Animator and prove everyone wrong?

How to pursue happiness?
Here's something I've watched in an interview of Christopher Gardner where he said, "Stick to the Plan 'A', Plan 'B' sucks!" It really made me crazy and it made me focused and more determined towards the goal I need to pursue, HAPPINESS... So how to start?

1. Make clear what you really need to do!
It won't come to you overnight but you should have some blueprint of what you have to do in the next two or lets say five years. If you don't have anything then start thinking about it right now! there's something that your heart desires from deep down. Find that spark and make a plan!

2. Plan your time and use it accordingly.
Time management is something that you'll need to learn by yourself. No one can teach you that, time management is such an important thing that I would really suggest to governments to teach it in schools so that no kid can fail to do the homework or study for exams. Time is the key, if you can't spare at least 1 hour a day for something important and precious that makes you happy then there's no meaning to live life. You should at least make 1 hour for yourself. 1 hour with your hobby or passion or anything that makes you really happy and gives you the satisfaction of completeness. Plan it and get going.

Don't wait for tomorrow, start today itself tomorrow never comes. Whatever makes you happy you should do it today and feel happy because who knows what happens tomorrow? Change the habits and manage the time and do what you love to today itself. Life is short and time never stops for anyone. Make the decisions that need to be made. You won't believe where I am currently sitting and writing this post for my dedicated blog. I'll share it in another post.

Here's the video to Christoper Gardner's interview