Always wanted to change the color of clothes in Photoshop easily? Wanted to create the same photo but with different color of clothes? 

So here I am to save you from the complex masks and adjustment layers. In this tutorial You'll learn and that how I change the color of clothes the easy way! If you are the book worm and a reader then this tutorial will be great for you! I'll teach you how to easily change the color of clothes without making it look artificial and blending them in with subject.

So without wasting much time lets begin!!!

#Open the Photoshop and Grab your Photo!

Open the image in Photoshop by dragging it on Photoshop Window. I am using the photoshop 2021 latest version. But this trick will work on almost every Photoshop version that I've used like from Photoshop Cs3 or greater.

And always remember to make the copy of subject layer.  Now in this tutorial We'll be working with Masks and Adjustment Layers. Now I won't go into too deep about all the adjustment layers & Masks. 
We'll be using just one adjustment layer which will be Hue-Saturation. That's the most powerful adjustment layer for color replacement and it gives you non destructible controls over the image.  

# Create a Hue-Saturation Layer

Just create a Hue-Saturation adjustment layer and click on the icon on the left side of Mask. 
Remember you have to select the Hue-Saturation properties, so that Hue panel will be visible.

The properties window will open as below picture. Here you can change anything you want but it 'll effect the whole image. We want to tell the photoshop which color you want to change. So how will you tell Photoshop?

Now if you look closely, There will be a small hand tool, which if you select it'll change into the eye dropper tool or Color picker tool (both are same just people call them differently) 

Now Just select the color of Subject's cloth, In our case the red , so select the main color. This will tell Photoshop that this is the color that you want to change. Once you tell Photoshop which color you want to change. 

And remember after selecting the hand tool, you have to change the sample average form point sample to 5x5 average sample rate. so Photoshop won't sample any noise in the image. 

#Change the color to your Liking!

Change the Color to whatever you want! I love the way this adjustment layer works. Just keep in mind that to not select any skin color, or else our subject will look like an alien. And yeah once you are satisfied with color change you can play with the areas you don't want color in. like if it's affecting the skin just select the mask and paint with the black color in the areas which you don't want color change in. 
Below are the samples of the colors I've changed in the Image!

 Thank you for reading this tutorial. If you found this helpful than please share this tutorial. I'll be posting more quick tutorials like this. Trust me you'll learn the things that nobody will teach you. Please do tell me in the comment what you thought about this tutorial. 

I'll be posting a new tutorial soon, till then stay safe, stay happy and dont forget to stay creative!!