Want to learn the art of Design?

Here's the place for you. You can learn the designing just like every other thing you learn. But for designing you need two things that you'll need to learn!

First of all the amazing graphic you'll create. You need to learn the most important thing which simply is Drawing!

If you don't draw then how will you express the graphic? Once you learn to draw and learn the colors then you'll need the knowledge of the Software that you'll be using for creating the graphics, i.e Adobe Illustrator. Once you know the basics of software then you'll need to dig in further and master the Software!

Mastering any software requires a lot of patience and desire and a strong will, because software can seem overwhelming at first.

Now I'll tell you my way, How I start creating Graphics from Scratch and for the tutorial's sake, I'll keep it short and sweet.

Lets say I have to create a logo for an orange juice company. So I'll dig all the sources I get from google images and check for an inspiration. Now one important thing to remember, never copy someone's work, It is wrong and illegal you might end up in jail.

Now once you get an idea, develop it on paper, or if you have graphic tablet or something then directly draw on the software, it's need to be a rough sketch the final detailing is to be saved for later. For now just create a rough sketch.

Once you are satisfied with the final sketch, it's time to convert it to line art. The more cleaner line art without any scribbles or anything.

Get the most basic art done, and then fill the colors you want, personally I prefer the logo in just 2 colors or gradients. I also prefer that you should put some Shadow or Glow to the main object. Below is the One completed Logo!

The above logo is just for illustration purpose. It may seem complicated at first but once you get the hold of it, you'll find it easy.

Once again I am going now, that's it for the today. Hope to see you all again. And yeah don't forget the Video which I've embed below! If you found this content useful then please take some time to share the post to someone who is interested in Graphics Design. Please Do comment if you read this post don't leave without a feed back.
Stay safe and Stay motivated and stay Awesome!